National Hip Fracture Database
National Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP)
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All about your hip fracture and what to expect on the road to recovery in 2020


We are pleased to release an updated version of NHFD Patient booklet for 2020:

'Your hip fracture: all about your hip fracture and what to expect on the road to recovery'.

The booklet has been revised to include sections on eating and drinking during your hospital stay and recovery, as well as bladder problems. It covers essential aspects of hip fracture care, and is designed to help patients, families and carers understand what is likely to happen while the patient is in hospital and after they are discharged.

The booklet describes what a hip fracture is, why it happens and how it will be treated. It includes a list of questions patients should consider asking the team looking after them, based on the essential elements of high quality hip fracture care. The questions include pain relief, memory problems, the seniority and kinds of doctor that should be involved in care, how soon an operation should take place, and rehabilitation following surgery.

"Until we break a hip, few of us will have given a moment’s thought to hip fracture and how we should be cared for once we’ve been taken into hospital. When should you have surgery? What kind of pain relief should you be offered? Can anything be done to prevent you from breaking your hip again? This booklet aims to provides the answers, and will help to inform, reassure and empower patients and carers at every stage on the road to recovery." - Julia Ellis, Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme patient panel member

We are unable to provide hard copies of these for your hospital. However, these are free to download and print locally.

The 2019 version is available here in English and Welsh languages. My Hip Fracture Care: 12 Questions to ask